universal symbol of unity, a gathering
together and communication between
a symbol for women: womb, egg,
roundness, cycles.
Witch: our
link with a matriarical past, a time in
which women shared the knowledge
of midwifery
and herbal healing in a cooperative
Later, in patriarchies, witches
were women in revolt.
Collective Feminist:
defines us as a political theatre
struggling towards a socialist/feminist
Our Purpose~Our
Artistic/Political Goals - 1974
to create a supporive working environment
to clearly identify our enemies e.g.
sexism (not men), capitalism, imperialism
to give women back their herstory and
a sense of pride in their past
to identify our struggle with those
of other oppressed people and to give us all a feeling of out true strength
and mutual support
to give a positive alternative to everything
negative we present
to communicate these ideas through
exciting theater